Eslog System

How biomass detection in waste bins can increase plastic recycling efficiency?

In recent years, the European Union has introduced numerous regulations aimed at increasing recycling efficiency and environmental protection. The problem of detecting biomass and organic waste in waste bins, especially in the case of recyclable materials such as plastic, is one of the main challenges. Contamination of plastics with bio-waste reduces the quality of secondary raw materials, leading to increased processing costs and reduced recycling efficiency. Additionally, bio-waste can contaminate recyclable material, resulting in its complete disqualification for reprocessing.

EU regulations impose clear standards for waste segregation, including separating bio-waste from secondary raw materials.

The introduction of intelligent biomass detection systems in waste bins is therefore a crucial step towards meeting these requirements and improving recycling efficiency. In this article, we will discuss the challenges faced by companies and countries using inefficient tools, present our solution – ESLOG AIR – and describe its functionality and benefits in detail.

Many waste management system operators in Europe still rely on traditional, inefficient segregation methods. The lack of advanced biomass detection technology in waste bins leads to numerous problems:

  • Contamination of secondary raw materials – bio-waste mixed with plastics reduces the quality of secondary raw materials, leading to increased processing costs and reduced recycling efficiency.
  • High processing costs – the need for manual sorting and removal of contaminants increases the operational costs of recycling companies.
  • Unsatisfactory quality of recycling – low-quality secondary raw materials often do not meet the standards required for reuse, resulting in their rejection.
  • Regulatory issues – failure to comply with strict EU waste segregation standards can result in financial penalties and reputational damage.

Faced with these challenges, inefficient tools become a barrier to achieving sustainable development goals and effective waste management.

To address these challenges, we have developed ESLOG AIR – an advanced solution for monitoring air quality and detecting bio-waste in waste bins. ESLOG AIR is equipped with modern sensors, such as:

  • Relative humidity,
  • Barometric pressure,
  • Temperature stability,
  • Gas sensing.

The key element of our system is the BME688 sensor, which is the first gas sensor with built-in artificial intelligence (AI) and integrated pressure, humidity, and temperature sensors with high linearity and accuracy.

The BME688 sensor is the first AI gas sensor capable of detecting Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs), volatile sulfur compounds (VSCs), and other gases such as carbon monoxide and hydrogen, in parts per billion (ppb).

The gas scanner function enables the detection of VSC presence as an indicator of bacterial growth. The gas scanner can be customized for sensitivity, selectivity, data collection frequency, and energy consumption.

The BME AI-Studio tool allows customers to train the BME688 gas scanner for their specific applications, such as household appliances, IoT products, or smart homes.

ESLOG AIR is an advanced solution for monitoring air quality in various industries, providing optimal environmental conditions for product quality and human health. By monitoring in real-time and comprehensive data analysis, ESLOG AIR enables proactive actions to maintain air quality standards and minimize potential risks.

ESLOG AIR is tailored to the unique needs of different industries, such as manufacturing, healthcare, hospitality, and transportation. It helps minimize air pollution, control indoor air quality, and ensure compliance with regulatory standards, protecting both products and personnel.

Together with a dedicated application, it allows configuring sensors and, with the help of artificial intelligence, detects the types and/or percentage filling of biomass bins (or other contaminants) according to different needs.

  • Intelligent detection of bio-waste – thanks to advanced sensors and AI technology, ESLOG AIR detects the presence of biomass and bio-waste in waste bins, ensuring high-quality secondary raw materials.
  • ESLOG AIR can also be delivered with “Energy Harvesting” technology that recovers energy from nano photovoltaic cells, allowing for lifelong operation without the need for batteries.
  • Connectivity with the application – ESLOG AIR connects to a dedicated mobile (and desktop) application, which adapts to the needs of companies, allowing for real-time data collection, updating, and analysis.
  • ESLOG AIR has the ability to work with wireless technologies depending on the customer’s needs, including NFC, Bluetooth, WiFi, or GSM.

With advanced sensors, artificial intelligence, and innovative features, ESLOG AIR helps companies and countries meet strict EU regulatory standards and improve waste management efficiency. We encourage you to contact our R&D Team to learn more about the implementation possibilities of this solution and its benefits for your company.


About Anna Skóra

She has been working in communication for 15 years. Implemented projects with different branches, from IT to marketing. Specialised in digital marketing, with experience from performance campaigns and managing the design team responsible for graphics and video in marketing agencies. Strategy director for many years, she was responsible for planning marketing activities for clients in long term.

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